Partner and Co-founder
Italian native speaker and citizen.
Graduated in law from the University of Palermo in 2005; registered, from 2009, with the Bar of Milan (Albo degli avvocati di Milano) and, from 2014, with the Roll of Certified Legal Translators of the Milan Court (Albo dei Consulenti Tecnici e dei Periti Penali del Tribunale di Milano) with respect to civil and criminal law, for English, Spanish and French language.
After completion of the practical part of her training to become a lawyer at two international law firms in Milan, during 2008/2009 she undertook a Master in European Union Law at the University Carlos III of Madrid. From 2009 to 2010 she carried out a traineeship at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg and at the European Commission in Brussels (DG Competition, Unit A3 – State Aid).
From 2011 to 2014 she worked as lawyer in Milan, at a leading law firm, in the fields of commercial and bankruptcy law.
She has worked as a legal translator for European Union institutions, Italian Courts, law firms, companies and multinational companies since 2014.
In particular, she works as lawyer-linguist, with the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank and the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, translating legal documents from English, Spanish and French into Italian. She also works regularly with the Office of the Italian Public Prosecutor translating international rogatories.
In 2015 she founded LexTranslate together with Diana Vaccaro.
Since September 2016 she has been a professor teaching the subject of “Legal English” at the Law Faculty of Palermo, university centre of Trapani.
Languages: English, Spanish, French.
E-mail: sbuccellato@lextranslate.com